Year and Make : 1985 Toyota ExCab SR5 pickup
Motor : Toyota 22re fuel injected 4cyl
Transmission : Toyota W56 five speed manual
Transfer case : Toyota duals with Advanced Adapter.
108 to 1 first gear low range.
Front differential : 5.29 gears with quicklock.
Rear differential : 5.29 gears with Yukon Spool.
Tires and wheels :
36” Super Swamper TSL SX’s on 15” black rims
Suspension :
Junk yard Leaf Springs and Bilstien 5100 14” travel shocks.
Extras and modifications : High steer crossover. Four
wheel disk brakes with vented rotors. Longfield super axles. Front wheel spacers. Wide rear axle. External cage. Relocated
gas tank in bed. Cobra CB. Warn M8000 Winch. York onboard air